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 Membership details

Join us now and get all these benefits:

  • Registration with the British Crown Green Bowls Association (BCGBA)

  • Access to the Albany Club in Earlsdon

  • Unlimited bowling at Spencer Park

  • Free coaching for novices from our accredited BCGBA coach and volunteers

  • Access to loan equipment


What are you waiting for? Contact us using the form at the bottom. All ages, gender and ability welcomed. Social Bowling subscriptions also available.

Bowls on Spencer Park
2020 Subs
Adult: £42 (*)
Social/Under 18: £28


  • Membership of the Albany Club Bowls Team

  • Unlimited access to green

  • Registration to play in leagues

(*)All Bowls members must be a member of the Albany Club, Earlsdon which costs £10 per year for adults, free for under 16s.

Anchor 1
Our bowling green is...
Spencer Park, Spencer Avenue, Earlsdon, Coventry, CV5 6NQ
Contact us to find out how to get involved!
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© 2024 Albany Club Bowls.

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